
“Music is nourishment, and a comforting elixir. Music multiplies the beauty of life and all its values” - Zolton Kodaly

At Bethany Lutheran Primary School, we believe that Music Education encourages creative thinking, self-expression and promotes an awareness of the world’s cultures.  We offer a music program that INSPIRES students to strive for excellence in all of their musical endeavours.

All students from year Prep to 6 receive a weekly music lesson in their class group each week with a specialist music teacher. The program taught in the classroom follows the guidelines of the Australian National Curriculum. The methodology is based on the sequential and developmental Kodaly program. Vocal training and Aural skills are the primary skilsl developed through a selected repertoire of songs. The children are taught the melodic, rhythmic and dynamic elements of music through singing. Sight singing is taught through time names (ta, ti-ti, etc.) and Solfege (doh, re, me, fa, so, la,ti, doh).

The students develop the basic musical elements from Prep. In Grade 3 the Recorder is introduced. Throughout grade 4 to 6 – Recorder, Glockenspiel, Chime Bars and Keyboard skills are developed and introduced. All students ENGAGE with a vast range of musical instruments.

Students participate and CONNECT in music through class, concerts held for the School community, outside performances, various eisteddfodau, and performance opportunities as they arise. Involvement in music is a lifelong learning experience and students are encouraged to participate with enthusiasm and commitment in all aspects of music education on offer at the School: classroom music, private tuition and extra-curricular involvement.

Bethany Lutheran offers students a range of music experiences including choirs, band and individual or group instrumental lessons. These groups are organised to provide opportunities for all students, regardless of their level of ability.

Music, like the other arts, is an integral part of our way of life. As music pervades the students’ everyday lives, music is a very relevant part of their education. Music at Bethany develops skills in the perception and practice of music in its many forms. It also fosters social interaction and develops concentration, memory, physical co-ordination and self-discipline. But most of all to experience the joy of making and understanding Music.

Classroom Music Teacher